
my shit is shat. so yo slow.
ive needed an upgrade for a while, i suppose.
but so many memories on this thing.

neways. work tomorrow. then school tomorrow. back to the fuckin grind.
people complain about working. try paying to remember shit. and having shit to do when you get home.
where you cant just forget about it til you go back the next day.
but we're young, strong.. we can bear these loads. mkay. this is getting gay.

what i really wanted to talk about was more about yesterdays topic. im sure this wont come out as well as i had hoped, but heres my shot at it:
ok. so theres this past history of biggotry and whatnot. theres still a generation thats been harshly burdened with it. but now, i think most of society doesnt really have animosity against other races, but just an unsettled of umcomfortableness with it. i dont think the problem will be easily solved.
but heres the problem: the human fucking condition. what people do is to simplify things. i mean, shit. they made a whole science out of it. taxonomy. people group things. it makes things easier to understand. and in these groupings come stereotypes.
now i dont feel im very racist (although i dont think you can be "partially racist") but at work, i have a few stereotypes for different ethnic backgrounds. they may not be true 100%, but its somewhere in the field of maybe 70. this isnt just to mock these people, but it just helps me know what to expect. here are some:
mexicans that look to be the hard-labor sort always pay in cash. usually large bills. and when they buy beer. its the mexican kind.
asian ladies, the elderly ones. they'll fight you to the last penny, but yet they'll give you every last penny in their purse to cover the bill...cuz they hate pennies.
the well-kept, white yuppy looking fuckers always use plastic.
the scraggly long-bearded bum looking guys will only come to your line with a couple of 40s.
anyone dressed shabbily with a shit-load of groceries and a couple of kids will use a EB-food stamps card.
indians (hindu) are always quiet, modest, and polite, but come with the extended family.
hot chix always avoid my line, unless i trick them, or if theyre with their boyfriend =P
white old ladies usually want to talk your ear off.
middle-aged white males who look anal, always ask for paper in plastic... mmmm. paper cuts =P
and the list goes on.....

but as you can see, some of these help me with my job. i set myself up with what i expect to happen. it makes me the 700 i/hr+ man that i am. although some of these are shattered. some of the nicest people have been the dreded, pierced, tattooed freaks. although i had a goth chic today that fit the description perfectly. all black except for the purple hair. a couple face piercings, hopefully whitened face, and i sed hello to her as she ignored me. the only interation we had was the exchange of moneys.

so yeah. here i am Animalea Chordata Vertebrata Mammalia Theria Eutheria Primate Anthropoidea Hominoidea Hominidae Homo sapien Shinabarger, Travis Jason. grouped with 6 billion other fuckers til those last 3 words.
take it as you will.


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