
dammit. so last night i couldnt sleep cuz i was dwelling over that ashleigh shit again.. fuck me.
cuz of what manuel was talking about.. but its not his fault. it was kinda due to the fact that i ran into her mom and sis a couple days ago... im still fighting with why was she so brash? why so mean? why so blunt? why so willing to disavow any knowledge of my exsistence? i dont get her. i really dont deserve that. im more saddened than anything. bAH.

random shit:

why is it the phrase "know it by heart"? has it just held from back in the day when people, like the egyptians held the idea that the vital force or soul or sorce of knowledge all came from the heart? or is it rather just that its so personal that you keep it in your heart?

ok, so i was driving home and i saw this van... ok.. get this... it was a work van... it had its name on the back.. guess what it was....
ok.. ok.. ehehe.. ok.. it was "crapo appliance services" HA HA!
ok. who the fuck would think of this as a business name?!? hopefully its not the person's last name.
and whats their motto? "our name implies our quality" heheeh.
stupid people.


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