
i think theres some people out there that you're always destined to look retarded in front of.
of the nameless many of mine, one stuck out last night.
i went and took a cpr class from my old old scoutmaster.
went through the whole nearly 4 hour course and took a "written" mult choice test.
to say the least, i bombed the fucker.
which is truely fucked up, cuz i've taken nearly the same damn test like 5 years ago.
it was like you had to try to miss that many.
probability says that i'm way at the end of the spectrum for getting that score.
but anyway. dave (scoutmaster) being the good guy that he is,
still hooked up a retard like myself.
now only one third more to the plan before i can become a fucking lifeguard: 1st aid cert.

so. to reinforce the fact that i'm incredibly lucky in this past week or two,
i will let you in on another unusual up (as oppsed to down) in my life.

i visit my parents on the eastside probably 2 to 4 times a month.
coming back last weekend, it was dark, 9 or 10 o'clock.
i'm bombin back so meg can get a good nights sleep and some law studying in. ;)
anyway. i get off on montlake, the usual, and just before merging to get into the flow of traffic,
them blue and red sirens go off behind me.
dun bin pulled over. 5th time ever. ( i guess thats kinda a lot, eh?)
anyway. the cop strolls on over, asks for my shit.
writes some shit down on his little pad,
and tells me,
"well, you weren't driving recklessly, and you did signal to switch lanes, but you didn't to get on the offramp. you need to do that. also, you were going 71 in a 50 zone. where do you have to be in such a hurry?"

"uh. no where."

"well, since you weren't driving recklessly, i'll just let you off with a warning"

holy crap! so needless to say, that pressing weight of anxiety was lifted, so we had a little bs conversing.
he saw the dairy queen cup that meg was holding.
he told us to enjoy.
and i was like.

"yeah, i know, doesn't it suck that there aren't any in seattle?"

to which he replies,

"well, not that i scope this kinda thing out ;) but theres one in the food court at northgate."

heh. silly cop. silly, NICE cop.

PS. methinks he was trying to find people related to the whole frat, kill shit riot thing....
thank god for dumbasses. (although after cpr, i might be included in that party)


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