
yesterday i was store bitch.
when i wasnt cashiering, i was helping loss prevention (security).
when i wasnt doing that, i was PICing (being the boss).
when i wasnt doing that, i was straight demoted and pushing carts.
all in a days work at freds.

better than full time in loss prevention though, i hear.
seems the lady that they caught pissed her pants when caught.
this was some white trash material.
her braless ass/tits kept falling out of her dirty tanktop,
and the security dude kept having to ask her to please "put it away".
she tried to jack $189 worth of shit.
DVDs, pop, misc. food items.
but get this. shes got a friend (who also didnt believe in a bra =P )
they tell me to have her get the lady's license.
well, it seems that the lady's DEAF brother just drove off to get the lady's husband.
so i'm supposed to watch the door and look for a tall deaf guy.
well. eventually i see some tall white trash, i approach him and he definately sounds like a deaf guy.
heres the fun part. trying to get her license. he dont get it. i even whip out my own.
no help.
so i say jim, the lady's husband.
he gets that, and takes me inside, but he doesnt really know where hes going.
we finally find him behind a display of videos.
i approach him.
he tells me he has no idea whats going on.
well, he was in luck. i didnt either.
i think they eventually let her go.
piss-soaked and all.

later that night i was sent out to get a license plate on some dude that wrote a bad check.
he started booking to his truck and told his wife to do the same.
he gets in, starts up and squeels off even before his wife could close the door.
unfortunately, he didnt have a light on the plates, and he had a trailor hitch for his pussy ass toyota pickup,
so i couldnt get two of the numbers.
doh well.
cant win em all.

at least you can always catch the fat/nasty bitches.


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