
where to start.
i was thinking yesterday about how suck it will be to get old.
reverting to the ineptness of young childhood.
needing children to look after you, tell you where to go, what to do, etc.
not being able to even order your own food w/o fucking up.
having to go back when you figure out that you've only ordered for one of the two of you.
when is someone going to figure out how to keep that sluff DNA so getting older won't suck as hard?
its kinda funny how that determines aging.
turtles rule at keeping theirs, at look at them!

yesterday i also saw my big boss do something that is immediately terminatable, or whatever its called.
see, she was cashiering cuz saturday was just retarded busy, all 14 checkstands blazing.
but anyway.
i was watching her, and her customer had some celery sticks.
now, see, regular celery comes in this little plastic bag that covers the bottom of the celery. its got a blue band,
hence the name blue-banded celery.
now everybody knows the code for that celery: 4070,
just like everyone knows bananas: 4011.
but not many know the celery STICK code.
my boss being one of them.
she knows the difference between the blue band and the stick, but she only knows the one code.
the prices are different, she also knows this.
but instead of looking like she doesnt know her shit, she just sticks the celery into the bag after a while so anybody not closely watching wouldnt realize that she didnt actually ring it up.
now, on our list of like 10 things on a sheet that we sign that tell us what we can be immediately terminated for, not ringing up or altering the price of an item without proper approval,
is one of them.
but who gives a fuck.
if we lost this boss, the store would go further down the shithole.

i think what they do is only fire the people they got beef with.

like the black dude that didnt sign his credit record.
one time missed.
GONE. fired.
now im pretty much doing what he was, but getting paid less.
but just on the 4th, this other dude, ernie, who's been there a while didnt sign his credit record.
what happens?
a warning: next time, you'll get fired.

what a buncha bullshit.
i guess sometimes they just like to make examples.
i know i've been one.

getting suspended for not showing up for work the day after christmas,
while my buddy didnt show up the day before xmas and nothing happened to him.
maybe they just got tired of it.



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