
some people need to consider laying off certain issues:

anthropology class:

prof: homo in Homo sapien means man.

feminist: it sux how it was named so there's no mention of women.

prof: well, you have to realize in that day that it was a generally male dominated society.

black dude: not by all males.

fuk. first of all, homegirl needs to realize that man AKA mankind means both genders of the species. english is probably the only language that you can argue that point.
everyone else (im drawing from my spanish background) with their genderization of nouns tend to use the males version if both male and female objects are combined in the plural.

also. these people do need to realize that this was in the 1700's and what good does it do to bitch about the past when things HAVE changed?
why be bitter in the present about things that hardly relate to you anymore? that just brews up more hatred.
sure you can criticize it, but why take it so personally?
i guess im just a white, middle-class male and cant relate.
my bad.


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