
i never thought i'd feel bad for sticking up for myself.
but sometimes you dont really wanna do it, but you have to protect yourself.

so. i was only supposed to work 4 hrs today. 4 hours this week!
but they asked me to stay a bit longer. 2 hrs longer.
they didnt get me out til 2 and a half hrs later, but i guess i dont really mind,
what else would i be doing?

theres this one boss, low on the totem pole.
gots this stick up his ass.
is fucking bitter that i didnt show up and wants some repercussions for my actions.
he keeps telling me to that i have to talk to the head boss.
i keep telling him.
yeh. ok. is he still here?
he tells me he is, and i must see him before i leave for what i did (or didnt do) on monday.
i go take my lunch break after they decide to keep me for the extra few hrs.
and as im heading back out of the break room, i run into the big boss.
he cordially greets me as im kinda waiting for a, can you come in my office for a second?
never happens.... weird...
only a, well hi, travis, how are you?
uhh.. good thanks.
so. he has no intentions of talking to me.
so that one boss is just bitter.
he asked me ANOTHER time after i came out.
and i told him i saw the boss and he didnt say anything to me.
well, you still need to go talk to him. but hes gone by now.
what a fag.
this guy still lives at home with his mom and tries to hit on chix that are shopping.
since he is a boss, he gets to stand at the end of the lines and direct traffic when its busy.
instead of helping my ass when this chic unloads the shitload she piled in her cart, he just talks and talks his head off to her.
its funny. cuz hes doing all the talking, and shes not interested at all, possibly even frightened.
the funny thing is no one takes this guy seriously.
some call him a dick.
some say he has a stick up his ass.
others say he doesnt know what hes talking about.
they say hes just a big dork.
sad for him.
but it be true.
quit gettin on my ass!
it dont get you no where, you apathetic turd.

we also have to take these tests that are basically worksheets.
theyre on alcohol/tabacco selling and WIC (a gov. supported group that gives checks to parents for the basic food essentials)
i dont take them very seriously.
when i dont feel like straight copying the answers, i make up something colorful.
i wonder if anyone even actually reads em..
heh. if they do, they might get a laugh.

its 9 o fooking cluck and there aint shit goin on.
manuel stopped by for just about the amount of time it takes to rub one out.
short st(g)ay.
now i got nothin.
im too tired to focus on my paper.
ive been up since 730. ghey.


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