
paper = bitch.
but im getting through it.
im about half done, and with a lot of the night left to go.
maybe i will have time to study for that spanish test.

sitting at my desk a lot.
watchin my fish.
ya know, those fuckers are a year and quarter old.
how do they do it?

everyone else that i talk to that has had one of those little cube tanks has told me that their fish died after like a week or so.
they blame it on some rare disease, of course, cuz it aint their fault their fish dont be livin.
maybe you forgot the love....
ok. these fish havent gotten any lovin in a long time.
you dont see any guppies do you?! hellz negro.

but anyway. admiral akbar, as he was dubbed by dan, kept chilling at the top of the cube. usually there always mobile, so i was checking to see if something was up.
if he was ded or whatnot. took of the top, the fucker gets scared and books off, finding the wall, turns, repeats this numerous times.
i put back on the lid, and within minutes, hes doin it again.
you ok little dood?
so i bust of the top again, and...the same.

so i just watch. he wriggles.
busts free!
the dumbshit is just getting himself caught up in the plantage over and over!!!
what a retard. i guess he just doesnt remember from all the numerous past happenings.

so i trimmed the top of the plant, and i guess we'll just have to wait and see what transpires.

hes doing it AGAIN!
maybe thats where the oxygen is being exsponged from the plant, and his murky, brown water just aint doin it for him.
i just cleaned that shit like back before T was sprouting.
what pampered bitches!

...or. maybe he is dying, and only builds up the energy to run away when the thinks he needs it.
like when the hand of doom is coming straight for him.

damn. i should be doing my paper.
i wonder if that "fan" of mine has been bored by my lack of blogatude lately.
where ye be jenny?

paper. commenceth


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