
my arm hurts like hell.

misty sux.
who the hell tells you to call them, and then is not there at the pre-indicated time of calling?
as manuel would put it: someone whos giving you the cold teet.

whatever. shes out, shes gone. gotta find other things to keep me occupied at work that aint old ladies...

girls (ok not all) are non-confrontational.
they say, oh yeh. its cool, do whatever you want. but then when you go and do that whatever, it hurts them.
why cant they just out and say it? what is there to lose? is it a fucking game? see how much trust you can muster through trying to confuse him?
yeh. i never got that.
also. theyre idea of dumping (in my experiences) is just to not mention it at all, and then cut off all communication, leaving the guy in the dark.
fuck darkies.


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